Before diagnosis and smug
Before treatment 2 months ago and pissed off
Today in mid treatment 30/08/2014
The only qualifiers I can add areĀ –
Forgive the hat in the first picture from about 2 years ago
The second picture was taken for my blue badge and I was told by the machine not to smile
In the third picture I smiled deliberately to look cheerful (which I am) and I hope you agree chemo suits me
Number 1
Looks like you are going on one of those dreadful auction tv programmes
Number 2
Anyone who tells someone not to smile for a photo deserves their own smileless pic placed on big billboards all over the countrya
Number 3
Do you discoordinate patterns on jacket and shirt deliberately?
Number 1
Pissed cricket commentator
Number 2
lucky to get away with 10 years for manslaughter
Number 3
Clutching manfully at sore neck- had deservedly good thrashing from Maria with new piping gadget- every woman should have one of these!