Now that I know the audience has expanded to arena size numbers, well at least more than one, I realise that we are in uncharted waters with regard to the capacity of my service provider to host multiple listeners. I can say with some confidence that it will cope with two cos I have tested it on Maria but beyond that, who knows. So in order not to disappoint my loyal listeners, should my broadcast appear to be on permanent mute or be heavily punctuated with unintended pauses then retreat to and let’s pretend it’s live. Ta
Monthly Archives: October 2020
coverage for the live broadcast tonight
Thanks so much to Charles Hutchinson for covering the live broadcast tonight. Despite the fact that I still expect an audience of one, me – I am now nervous and want to throw up in a bucket in the wings.
Broadcasting live from the ‘Telephone box that talks a bit like me’ on Halloween Night at 8 pm
I am displaying my dirty washing (AGAIN! – you may say) on Saturday night Halloween at 8:00pm. There is so much I could say about it, apologies and pathetic justifications to alleviate the pressure to show something good, worthy, arty, entertaining… but instead i will say nothing …………………. except its only 20 minutes long:
and then recordings and videos

yet another quite amazing review
Lisa Marini has received another absolute corker here –
Aren’t music journalists literary.
I have no news of any great consequence hence my silence but that’s not to say i don’t have news of no consequence. duh?
Immediate family: all good, happy, solvent
Cats: not broken – new toilet – very scary – unused so far – mitch spent part of day and all night locked in bedroom – ripped up carpet to try to escape – who cares so happy to see him we thought he was a gonna
Health: good – in limbo really – no treatment – only telephone consultations and blood tests – numbers deteriorate but slowly so no intervention at the moment – had my traditional blue-meaney at start of term resolved with drugs (all a hangover from school – i hate hate hate September cos i hated hated hated school) i have endured this pretty much every year of my life except when i did the Glyndebourne Tour which distracted me. Fortunately neither of my boys are as nuts as me and my doctor has stopped skimping on anti-depressants – i guess she’s given up holding back the lockdown national depression flood waters.
If trump gets reelected I will be asking for the dose to be doubled.
Amidst all the the Uni la-di-dah I have been quite productive. I have created my first Android app and expect to become famous and rich as a result. Watch this space as i will launch it in the new year. i thinking of calling my series of apps ‘CR-Apps’
I will be broadcasting live about “The red telephone box that talks a bit like me” on October 31st Halloween at 8:00pm on the channel below – i think its Spanish – either that or Spain has a lot of internet radio channels that cant afford server space.

– as far as i know this is the only free open source internet radio channel – consequently it is not one of the tiresome slick affairs with a million adverts however my connection from Yorkshire conks out when we stream a netflix box set so there is some nice ‘cageian’ chance elements thrown into the mix. The resulting channel is not mobile friendly but if you can locate the play button, in the grey/green box, you should here my looping ident until the broadcast – which will last about 20 minutes – 20 MINUTES MATERIAL AFTER 6 YEARS!!. It’s a little ditty I have entitled ‘profoundly pretentious arty stuff that gives me pleasure so nah nah nah” – It is the first of my pointless holidays cycle that will punch Christmas, Easter, Midsummer and Halloween firmly in the face with a bold audio collage of synthetic me merged with live and recorded me, memories, lies and a few revelations I should probably keep to myself. Unmissable!