Monthly Archives: April 2018

Death by pie

I was feeling a whole lot better yesterday so I celebrated by eating lots and lots. I started with a two portion bowl of savoury mince washed down with a Magnum (the ice cream not champagne) then I hit Maria’s family recipe Easter Pizza, followed by another Magnum – an alternative flavour.

You are imagining an anorexic crust, a feather of rocket, a smear of Jamie’s fresh tomato sugo and a droplet of XXXXXXverginoil.


It looks like this and we have two!


Last night I was up sitting on the sofa for four hours contemplating how appealing death was.

Today I shall have some more pie.

In the spirit of confusing my readers and more particularly Google I have relocated this site again.

The permanentish url for this blog will henceforth be

Google will take months to catch up – ha!