Ratty – the return, boys and girl.

Busy weekend. I was fierce with steroid induced energy and ended up psychotically pursuing another plucky rat. I spent my early morning waking ritual reading the literature on rats and it turns out to be very simple to deal with them, at least in theory. Find where they get in and block up the hole. Thanks to some timely re-gravelling by the boys and girl we think we now have its access point identified – a hole in the annex wall – should really have spotted that. Each time we fill the hole with stuff, brick, sand, gravel ratty unfills it overnight. We have asked a builder if we can actually cement it in but have yet to hear back. I think not, it’s a hole that sits over a plastic pipe and is clearly deliberate. Anyway Ratty seems to have a desire to join its deceased cousin in the loft who is now a flyblown corpse. We know this because the flies drop through the light fittings in the kitchen, onto the work surface by the toaster. Anyone for tea and toast?

Boys and girl back to their fast lane /bohemian lives. We rally enjoyed having them so much. They are interested and interesting, what could be better. I am so proud of the way they lead their lives – I like to think a chip off the old block but they are better at it than I was. Proper non compromising artists. To hell with being sensible, to hell with all the bullshit about responsibility, citizenship, hardworking families, the ludicrous big society. Capital entrapment I call it. They don’t of course because they have grown up – it’s only me who has reverted to my 14 yr old idealistic and stupid self, but I think they forgive me.

My mind is so occupied with projects it is exploding with excitement. I want to do everything all at once which must be very tiresome for Maria who has to be the enthusiastic audience for my impassioned outbursts. Unfortunately for the boys and girl are also expected to endure my enthusiasms which frequently involve interfering, or as I call it helping, with theirs. Anyway they are missed already.

As you can probably tell I feel extremely well indeed. I have no more chemo after Tuesday while they review all the results and decide on the next stage around Easter. Hopefully the warnings about infections will be relaxed as the effect of the chemo on my immune system wears off. I believe I am still classified as a medical emergency if I get an infection at the moment either that or I am just being neurotic or I just don’t want to see anyone or I am loving my bubble life – yes I am rather.

As you know I have taken to fixing things I have been reluctant to fix in the past. So far I have repaired two old video cameras, one watch, two still cameras, one video recorder. I have destroyed one ancient speech machine, one rather nice cassette machine (drat) two other video cameras (over confidence), one Edwardian thingy (rescue able but in bits at present) and one food processor. So overall we are down a few gadgets. One new pleasure is that for my birthday I got a magnifying light like model makers use. It is totally brilliant. I can now, very precisely and with no eye strain break any number of intricate trinkets irrevocably. Pure joy.

Next week I need to settle more to work and stop partying. I have tons of work and at times I can be quite disciplined even working from home as I do, especially now the two hospital visits a week are coming to an end. So watch this space for an increase in productivity. The great thing is I love the work I am currently doing, so unlike so many people, returning to work is not a hardship.
Forgot to say I have now de rusted my paper guillotine and it is working perfectly.

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